Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Grand Palace

4th July 2008 - Day 2

Good morning Bangkok!! Hari kedua aku kat sini. Lepas breakfast kat Mc Donalds kat cp tower, we decided to go to the Grand Palace. The person yg memang aku berterima kasih sgt is Pop. Pop ni memg org Thai, aku kenal kat frenster je 3 mggu sebelum aku smp Bangkok. Tak sangka dia memg baik n sudi nak bwk aku n cousin aku pg Grand Palace. Orgnye kecik je tp bdn memg body fit shape. So Pop ni la yg bwk kitaorg naik BTS (LRT dorg) smp la kat jeti. Nak pg Grand Palace ni kitaorg amik boat n cruising along the Chao Phraya river. Well, the Chao Phraya is not so clean or clear but still they commercialize that as one of the famous attraction in Bangkok. Smp kat Grand Palace tu we have to buy the ticket 300 baht, but Pop masuk free je since Thai people is not charged. Org kata kalo smp Bangkok memg kena pg tgk grand palace ni coz it is one the Bangkok’s trademark. Aku memg impressed tgk architecture grand palace ni coz it is so unique and memg cantik la. Tertanya2 gak dr mana la dtg idea dorg invent this kind of architecture. Terlalu ramai visitor dlm grand palace smp nak amik pic pun kena ikut turn coz kiri kanan org sibuk posing. Aku byk amik photo kat sini coz tmpt ni memg unik. Lepas puas bergambar n tgk the whole grand palace, kitaorg move to Wat Arun. Apa yg Pop bgtau actually kat Bangkok ni memg famous dgn Watt je, yg aku baca dlm travel guide book pun sama. So yg membezakan setiap Watt ialah architecture. Mcm watt Arun tu ada menara pagoda tp aku x panjat la juz tgk dr bwh je. So kalo visit Bangkok, rasanya memadai la visit Grand Palace je coz kat situ la yg paling grand n ada watt emerald Budha. So kalo nak visit sume watt rasanye x dpt la kot n aku pun x minat sgt nak tgk watt2 ni. So our 2nd day was a bit tiring but full of fun n excitement at the Grand Palace or Watt Pra Kaw.

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