Monday, February 04, 2008

Jay from Philipines

I got to know this guy from ym chat. Nama dia Jay from Philipines. Baik sgt, we share a lot of stories about life,new movie, music, love and so on...he's getting marry soon and he juz had his new hair style..Jay is a good looking guy n sometimes funny..Kadang2 boring kat ofis aku chat dgn mamat ni. Dia tingin sgt nak keje kat malaysia..hmm katanye gaji kat sana skit. Aku kata try la cari nanti kalo dia dtg bleh la aku jmp dia. Td aku bg baca blog aku ni..katanye x paham. Ye la dah dlm bahasa melayu...hehehehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for this post man! i don't understand some of the words (i think its Malay) but i do appreciate the effort.

you take care and hope to visit Malaysia some time.
